So I got two lovlies in the mail the other day. One I have been dying to get my hands on and the other a much-needed delivery for the up and coming holiday season.  First of all a while ago I ordered a book from the lovely Kal (go to the blog roll where it says love life), it took a while to get but I understand because she has a lot going on.  She signed it for me, she not only signed it but she made it out to me….yay.  I have purchased a few books now that artists have just signed their names on, and that is ok with me, but when they make an effort to personalize it………just brings my lil heart so much JOY!!!

And here are a couple of beautiful pages from her book.  On one page there is a painting or illustration and on the other page there is a poem or story or just something she wanted to write….

and I also got my MOO cards….yay!!!  This is the first time that I have used their site and you can get a free trial pack to see if you want to use them for your printing…..Oh, How I love MOO cards…  I am now a fan!!! go to yahoo or google and type in MOO cards and it will take you straight to the website!!!!

So yes, it is safe to say that MOO will be printing my Christmas postcards this year, yep they will.

Starting from Dec 1, 2010 to Dec 1, 2011 I am going to have a create 365 challenge.  This challenge has been done before I am sure, but it’s never been done by me.  I am challenging myself to create something everyday for a whole year, weekends included.  This doesn’t mean a painting or something huge , it just means to tap into my creativity each day.  Could be in a sketchbook, or on a notepad or napkin or ATC or quilting……..just have to do something creative…:) and I will do my best  to document it along the way.  I did not want to make it new years resolution because I usually do not follow through with those, so that’s why I am starting in December.

Will you join me????????