Hey yall, sorry about that.  Im feeling rather southern today.  (I live in Alabama by the way).  So I thought I would share two things with you today.  And they are……drum roll please……one of my fave books: 

This books is full of neat things that get your mind flowing.  I was impressed.  I have probably had it for at least five years now. 


And I also started on a larger tangle/doodle last night and I may or may not be finished with it.  As you can see there is a solid white section in there but I kind of like it.  It seems to give your eye a break from all of the patterns.  Also in the pic you will see my new sharpie paint pens that I picked up from Michaels.  I am going to use the to sign my name on some of my artwork. 

So I guess thats about it for the moment.  be back soon 🙂